The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in innumerable ways. But, as stressful as this lockdown has been for most of us, we have learned much about ourselves as individuals and as a nation.
The silver lining that has emerged from this crisis is a new awareness and embracing of treatment tools that have been emerging and have now reached the forefront as a viable service delivery option. Telehealth (or telemedicine) the online therapy process has been around for decades, and we are now experiencing a surge in popularity because of the mandatory quarantine.
Once the quarantine is over and many people begin entering the workforce again, will these virtual tools fall by the wayside? It is doubtful because the serve simply offers convenient benefits to both the clients and providers.
Here are some benefits of online therapy and why you may want to consider using this service delivery model:
Better Access to Care
In some rural areas, it’s not easy to find easy access to qualified mental health therapy. Online therapy would provide access to anyone that needs it, regardless of where they live, in the convenience of their home.
Fear of Treatment
Despite the progress we have made over the past couple of decades, there is still a stigma attached to mental health treatment. Having a fear of receiving therapy can prevent people from getting the emotional help they need. Because of Covid-19 more advertisements have been created to normalize therapy and express the ease of the process by utilizing the online therapy platforms.
Being able to eliminate drive-times to the therapy practice can save time for clients. Online therapy offers the convenience of giving clients their time back. Also, online therapy can minimize cancellations due to lack of child-care as the client can have therapy in their home.
We are currently seeing a situation where it isn’t safe to be around others. And yet, should a person lose access to mental health care because of illness and disease? Certainly not. What about unsafe weather? In many parts of the country, there are snowstorms, icy roads, and hurricanes that make it impossible to travel safely. Online therapy allows people to receive the help they need, regardless of any unsafe weather or public health conditions.
Access for Disabled Populations
Oftentimes the people who need therapy the most are the very people who find it difficult to leave their homes or navigate the outside world. Online therapy allows bedridden patients and those with debilitating chronic illnesses access to the help they need. I offer online therapy to clients because I want to help as many people as I can as safely as I can. If you have been struggling emotionally due to issues dealing with COVID-19 and would like some health in improving your emotional health. Give us a call today.